
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sky Watch on an evening walk

Lünen, Germany, the field is right across the street and the forest starts there

Linked to Sky Watch Friday

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sign mix

Konso, Ethiopia, May 2010
 Linked to signs, signs. While looking through the photos I found this, I didn't know that there is a tourist office, we stayed two nights there.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

ABC Wednesday - E is for ...

In in the south of Etiopia, between Moyale and Konso, our bus made a brake and we had a look around.
Me with Thomas

we travelled with this blue bus

between Jinka and Arba Minch

market in Konso

our hotel in Turmi, May 2010
 This is my contribution to ABC Wednesday. The letter is E, E for East Africa, and especially here Ethiopia.

While preparing this post, I found so much more photos I would like to show you. Hope to find some time soon.

Thanks for all your comments in the previos post! It really keeps me blogging. Sorry I'm so bad in responding.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Riding the sledge is great fun ...

... even when you crash, my five year old son Thomas

Linked to Our World Tuesday

We went to a close by spoil tip with great down hill routes. There are lots of here in the Ruhr Area.
Do you know that I love snow? I try to be as much outside as possible. Hmmm, but that is what I always do. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The world has it ways to quiet us down

A lot of snow this morning, but I had no ploblems to go to work by train; photo from the phone, while snowing

Quote from Jack Johnson -  Losing Keys