
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ABC Wednesday - O is for ...

... on my way to ...

... places in Namibia called Omaruru, Omatjene, Okombahe.

When I was looking for the letter O, I came across this villages I have visited in 2010.
There are more places with great sound on my way around the world: Orinacu (Romania), Osoyoos (Canada).

My contribution for ABC Wednesday


carol l mckenna said...

Marvelous photography and unique ~ Great for 'O' ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

photowannabe said...

Wish I was traveling this amazing world too.
Terrific views of exotic places.

Leslie: said...

I used to spend summers in Osoyoos with my aunt and uncle! Dry just like these photos because it's in the only desert in Canada.


Roger Owen Green said...

a lot of OPEN space!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Andrea said...

Those are lovely landscapes, but looks difficult to travel and maybe also scary, but of course fun! I wonder why their names are mostly starting with O!

Linnea said...

Town names that start with O are somewhat unusual around my parts. These names definitely have an exotic ring to them. Beautiful places!

Francisca said...

Carola, it's these travel shots of yours that appeal to me most... fantastisch!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Ordinary Words....Wonderful vistas♫♪

Ingrid said...

My first thought when I saw your pictures was "this must be somewhere in Africa" and it was ! Beautiful !

Lynette Killam said...

I very much enjoyed these photos, Carol! I also chose Africa to illustrate this weeks letter...:)