
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ABC Wednesday - C is for ...

... Canoe. For sure this is a kayak, not a canadian canoe.
ABC Wednesday


Ann said...

Canoeing can be lots of fun--and laughter when you fall in.

Roger Owen Green said...

can't tell by me - kayak, canoe...

Leslie: said...

We have both here in Canada! lol

abcw team

SamuraiFrog said...

Never been kayaking, but canoeing sure is fun!

SamuraiFrog, ABCW

Trubes said...

My next door neighbour's son was a regular Kayaker and spent every Saturdays morning paddling furiously around the dock,
One very snowy day he decide to try his skills on land and took his Kayak to a long steep hill nearby. Of he flew down the hill but stopped when he met a tree...he was wrapped around the tree and kayak was in pieces, Poor boy (aged 16) ended up in A+E leg with 4 broken ribs and a broken leg, he recovered but the Kayak didn't!
He's 23 now and is a fine young man indeed !