
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

ABC Wednesday – T is for ...

... T is for tent. This is my ABC Wednesday
I love to be outside. It's great to sleep in our tent.
More tent posts from different places around the world, from the tent in the snow to the tent in the dessert in UAE


photowannabe said...

I used to love tent camping too. Actually I still do but my body says no to the sleeping on the ground.
The most exotic place I ever slept in a tent was in the Rift Valley of Namuncha, Kenya. Very exciting.

Leslie: said...

I know lots of people enjoy tenting - my own daughter and her family, for example. For me, however, I prefer a nice comfy hotel room. After a restful sleep I can then go out and enjoy nature.

abcw team

Roger Owen Green said...

Glad to see the unraked leaves!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

ChrisJ said...

Roger makes a good point. I do like to see the leaves scattered under the trees. After too much rain and and trampling is the time to rake leaves.

MaR said...

I too belong to the ones needing a real bed . Love your shots and what a fun way to enjoy nature.

T is for...

Ingrid said...

Looks a little cold for me, lol !
ABC Team

Lea said...

And a beautiful place to be camping in!
Have a wonderful day!

Beth L said...

Thanks for bringing back the memories of when I went camping with my family as a child. I loved to go camping with a tent. Love the campfire to cook on and the smell of the woods.