Bahia de Salinas, Costa Rica, November 2009 |
Traveling by car from Canada to Panama was not always easy. But we found very quite and beautiful places. After crossing the border (always so much hassle) out of Nicaragua it got dark and we had no idea where to sleep. Where should we go? Hans had a great idea: From internet he had coordinates from places where others had spend the night, somewhere at the beach. Even it was totally dark and it was only a thiny unpaved road, which seemed to go nowhere, it was easy to find this place.
In the sand. Under some trees.
We could not see the ocean but it was very close. (For sure we checked the distance.)
We pitched the tent and had a wonderful night.
With waves making our bedtime sound.
Imagine to wake up and don't know how it does look like.
Hans, our two kids and I, we had a beautiful morning at the beach.
This was our place.
The next two nights we did couchsurfing in Santa Cruz with a young family.
For travel this two possibilities to stay at night are my favorite. In nature places sleeping in the tent is the best.
In urban areas it's best to stay with other people in their homes and get to know the local culture, that is
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ABC Wednesday and the letter for today is C for Costa Rica. Or for Camping in Costa Rica.